Terminology & Research

Optimal Terminology Guides for Equine-assisted Services

Published Paper

Leaders and stakeholders conducted a consensus-building process regarding terminology to define the diverse services. This resulted in a published peer-reviewed paper defining optimal terminology. 

Guide for Researchers

Download this essential guide for researchers, academics, and anyone interested in a comprehensive summary on optimal terminology for equine-assisted services, along with considerations for researchers.

Terminology Webinar

Watch this insightful presentation by Nina Ekholm Fry and Lynn Thomas for the APA Human-Animal Interaction Section, titled “Horses in Therapy Services: Updates to Terminology and Concepts in the United States.” 

Research Summary

There is a growing evidence-base for the impact horses have on mental health and well-being. HMH is pleased to provide a summary of peer-reviewed research supporting the benefit horses have for mental health and well-being. Click the button below to read / download reference lists by population and abstracts. Thank you to Nerds for Herds for compiling this resource.