Changing Lives Together.

Join us each May for Seen Through Horses, an annual nationwide campaign raising awareness and critical funds to support nonprofit organizations incorporating horses for mental health and personal growth.

Changing Lives Together.

Join us each May for Seen Through Horses, an annual nationwide campaign raising awareness and critical funds to support nonprofit organizations incorporating horses for mental health and personal growth.

There is a mental health crisis - you and horses can play a powerful role in the solution.

Millions struggle with mental health challenges daily. Depression is the #1 cause of disability worldwide. 1 in 4 veterans have a mental health condition. Suicide is a leading cause of death for youth and young adults. This crisis becomes even more acute in rural communities.

It’s overwhelming – but we believe we can solve it together. Select a Charity Partner below and donate today to help local communities heal through the power of horses.

drawing of a hand holding heart

Convene a Community

Mobilize a coalition of individuals, nonprofits, mental health professionals, celebrities and influencers to amplify a single message in a coordinated effort.

line drawing of two hands around a heart

Increase Awareness

Real people, real change. Share powerful stories based on true experiences to showcase the transformative impact of horses and human partnerships. 

line drawing of one hand on top and one on bottom of a heart

Raise Critical Funds

Funds raised directly support organizations and programs incorporating horses – increasing the access for people in need of mental health services. 

Join us May 1-31, 2024 during Mental Health Awareness Month to raise critical funds for 80 nonprofit organizations


It’s Time to Take Action

Make a difference by donating critical funds to a nonprofit organization below.


Tell Everyone You Know

And we mean everyone. Asking your friends, family, and co-workers to donate to double your impact.


Celebrate your impact!

All funds raised will go directly to increase access to mental health services incorporating horses.

Step 4 screenshot

Why Donate?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 adults in the US experiences mental illness in a given year. The Seen Through Horses Campaign offers a unique path to healing.

Your donation will directly support innovative mental health and well-being services. These programs partner individuals with horses and professional facilitators to foster a powerful connection that promotes emotional well-being, reduces stress, builds confidence, and so much more. By supporting Seen Through Horses, you’re investing in a future where mental health is not just addressed, but actively improved through this innovative and effective approach.

Donate to an organization below and empower them to continue their vital mental health work.

Charity Partners

Click below to donate to your chosen Charity Partner, May 1-31 to help them reach their campaign goal. 100% of donated funds go to their programs incorporating horses to benefit mental health.

North Carolina

North Dakota


“I guess when it comes to horses and mankind, a leap of understanding is needed on both sides…they recognize our shortcomings, and we applaud their sensitivity. My life, my music, my soul would be so different if I had not known the love of a horse.”

– Randy Travis

Seen Through Horses Campaign is brought to you by:

Title Sponsor

Premier Partners

American Psychological Association’s Section on Human-Animal Interaction
Institute for Human-Animal Connection
Polyvagal Equine Institute
American Psychological Association’s Section on Human-Animal Interaction
Institute for Human-Animal Connection
Polyvagal Equine Institute

Commonly Asked Questions

Launching May 1-31, 2024, Seen Through Horses is a peer-to-peer awareness and fundraising campaign composed of individuals, nonprofits, mental health professionals, celebrities, influencers, and businesses to increase awareness, public engagement, and raise funds to improve access to programs incorporating horses for mental health and personal growth.

Seen Through Horses’ Charity Partners are convening together to activate their networks to spread awareness and fundraise on their behalf. Fundraising for one of our Charity Partners is easy!

  • Step 1: Select a Seen Through Horses Charity Partner to fundraise for or make a one-time donation. 
  • Step 2: Create a free profile and set a fundraising goal.
  • Step 3: Share your profile with friends and family before and during the Seen Through Horses Campaign from May 1-31, 2024. 
  • Step 4: See your impact! When the campaign is over, the funds raised will go directly to your chosen organization.  

A rising tide lifts all boats – together we can make a bigger difference.

Our Charity Partners are programs located worldwide that incorporate horses into professional mental health programs and services.

These programs have been invited to join the Seen Through Horses Campaign as benefactory Charity Partners.

Our Charity Partners are committed to expanding the role horses play in mental health services and increasing access to these professional programs. 

We are on a mission to uplift the sector and invite you to help us make a difference by increasing awareness and raising funds for a Charity Partner of your choice. 

Applications to become Charity Partner for the 2024 Seen Through Horse Campaign have now closed, but be sure to join the Horses for Mental Health mailing list to stay updated for future iterations of the Seen Through Horses Campaign!

At the end of the campaign, 100% of funds raised (minus credit card fees) will go directly to the organization the donation was given to.

Your donations will benefit your chosen Charity Partner in providing quality mental health programs and services incorporating horses. 

Each organization has different goals, so donations may help accomplish a range of support including expanding programs, therapy session scholarships, horse care, facilitator training, and more. 

Your efforts will directly impact your Charity Partner’s ability to continue their meaningful work of expanding the role horses play in mental health and well-being.

Click on a Charity Partner above to create a personalized fundraising page to raise awareness and funds for your chosen program, or you can choose to donate directly.

Spread the word on social media and share the provided videos and posts so every person will know horses can be a solution for mental health needs!